Time Passes So Quickly

I try to get something up in the blog almost every day, but my work schedule doesn’t always allow for it. Next thing I know, so much time has flown by.

Here’s a quick look at my typical week.

Saturday – We go to sales, auctions, and tag sales. That night I take photos to get ready to list things on Sunday morning. That can take at least 5 hours, and I can take, correct, and upload more than 120 photos.

Sunday – If I need to do more photos, then I’m up at 6 A. M. By 9 I try to tune in to CBS and Sunday morning. Then I listen to Bob Schieffer right after that. From there, I put on a movie that I know by heart so I won’t have to think or listen to it, which fills the sound space while I do the listings. I list, nonstop, until 7 P. M.. and get the listings up for a 7 day length. When the auctions begin to close at 11 P. M., which is the best time to accommodate as many buyers as are interested, I’m working both closing and opening ones. As the new listings go up, the previous ones from the last week listings end. I send invoices, print them out, and then keep checking the new listings to make sure they are up and correct. I hit the bed around 1 A. M., or even later!

Monday – I get up and immediately begin to pack, label boxes, and get things ready to go to the Post Office. Then I go about the “must-do’s:” of the day. 8 P. M. Is Antiques Roadshow, which is a fun resource and educational tool. Sometimes I even know more than the appraisers, which is like being on Jeopardy! I try to watch Market Warriors, but these people are terrible pickers. In the real world they would starve. One person, and she will remain nameless, sets the advance of women back a hundred years. How embarrassing is she? I cringe every time she cuddles up to dealers. Perhaps they should add people who sell on eBay and know what they are doing! Hint, hint.

Tuesday – When possible, I write more listings to go up that night, after 11, for a 5 day auction. Yet another trip to P. O. (this happens as soon as a payment is made), and other work related things.

Wednesday – Write on this blog, the one for Enchanted Environments, and on my newest book. Go to previews, early sales, and so on.

Thursday – See Wednesday.

Friday – Sales, auctions, writing, Clean things I’ve acquired, do research on them.

Every day, between 3 and 4, I am ORDERED to feed the five dogs by the dogs. They let me know if I am not quick enough to suit them.

Then there are the days when I spend hours helping to appraise items for other dealers and auctioneers. To me, this is like being on a terrific treasure hunt. You never know what you’ll find.

Ahh, the fabulous, fun filled, action packed life of an antiques dealer.

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